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The Benefits of Taking Charge

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

It's time to be brave. Not in a look-at-me, proudly-naked-in-a-public-place kind of way, but quietly and within yourself. There’s plenty of external noise to listen to in the world, and it’s just a bit too easy to avoid thinking about difficult subjects. For instance:

Is my career feeling a bit stuck in the mud?

Um … I’ll look at that … at the weekend.

Am I going to start that business I’ve always dreamed about, or not?

I, er … need to do a bit more research on that.

What makes me happy, and is there enough of it in my life?

Wow. Er, well, I think I … um … I’d better … um. Wow.

Admittedly, those are big questions. And the bigger a question is, the more intimidating it can be. But just as true is this: if you think a question is big, that’s probably because it’s one that’s relevant to your life. It deserves – and you deserve – an answer.

Which is where being brave comes in. In my last post, I talked about finding structure, purpose, wellbeing and positive energy. I’m sure I’ll revisit them in future, and in more detail, but for now it’s enough to know that building up those four internal resources is good in every way. They’ll help you overcome resistance to addressing the big issues. They’ll help you address those issues with clarity. They’ll help you be brave.

In essence, it’s all about taking charge. You could let things ride, take the easy option, look the other way. Nothing ventured and nothing gained. Or you could – calmly, decisively and, yes, bravely – set about answering those big questions.

It won’t be easy. It will make you look at things you’d brushed under the carpet. And it might well lead to changes in your life, which can be a scary prospect.

But taking charge will feel great.

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